Book & Page

Hi, I’m Josh! Welcome to Book & Page, my reading project! In 2016 I set the goal to read 10,000 pages each year. Since then, some years have been better than others, but I find that the goal motivates me to put down my phone and pick up a book.

To up the ante, I recently had the ambitious idea of aiming to read 1,000,000 pages in my lifetime, which would boil down to ~15,000 pages a year. I plan to make up the difference in retirement 😄 Follow along as I read my way to 1,000,000 pages!

Lifetime Goal: 8.1% complete, with 81,317 pages out of 1,000,000 goal read

Annual Goal: 50.3% complete, with 5,026 pages out of 10,000 goal read

Money saved reading through library: $361.08

Just finished:

  • Calamity by Brandon Sanderson on August 17, 2024
  • Firefight by Brandon Sanderson on August 15, 2024
  • Mitosis by Brandon Sanderson on August 14, 2024
  • When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi on August 14, 2024
  • Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson on August 13, 2024

Currently reading:

  • Far From the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity by Andrew Solomon, started 24 days ago
  • Bel Canto by Ann Patchett, started 10 days ago